Very similar to the stuff I learned from YCF’s line from Shanghai (FZW) and Hangzhou (Jiang Yu kun) but not in the same order.
I like how he added some leg pushing too

order of exercises in the Yang Family Warm-up video:
1-Standing heel/hamstring
2-Pubu-modified Snake creeps down drop stance stretch
3-Knee circles- feet together and feet apart
4-Slap knee rotation- outside knee and circle, inside knee and circle.
5. Two person body conditioning drills:
joined knee circles (inside and outside)
6-Hip circles both directions
7-Swing arms and body slap
8-Slap the hip and circle, both sides.
9 two person- hip pushing/neutralizing drill
10-Balance stance knee and ankle circles-
11-Open hip joint in balance stance- circle the leg to open hip joint.
12-Bow stance with rear leg toe kick.
13-Body flow drill: sink and expand arms (Chen Zhen Lei body drill)
14-Rotate Arm circle and turn waist (similar to pakua warm up)
15-Shoulder circles both directions-
16-Alternate shoulders-
17- Two person- shoulder pushing neuatralizing drill-
18-Both hands on L1 and rotate both directions-
19-Elbow/forearm circles-(both directions) -
20-wrist lock/elbow neutralizing drill-
21-Wrist rotations from Wu Ji stance (clockwise/counter clock)-
22-double inner arms rotations-
23-Touching wrist circles (Wudang style)-
24-Touching wrist coil to elbow circles-
25- Two person: Pung/wrist rotation partner drill-
26- two person: wrist on extended fist coiling palm-
27-Sink chest, expand chest-
28-Circle chest neutralize push solo drill
29. two person- push chest/neutralizing drill-
30. two person- back push neutralizing drill-
31-Neck-Up and down-
32-Neck Turn Left and right-
33-Neck Ear to shoulder (left and right)-
34-Neck Circle neck-
35-Silk reeling in ward off left and right-
36-silk reeling with Cloud hands-
37-Rooster on one leg-
Standing meditation forms:
38-Holding the one.
If I were to put it in the order I learned it…it would look like this: (added a few other ones learned from FZW and Jiang Yukun)
1. Start by Raise head from Above then Turn Neck: Up and down.
2. Turn Left and right
3. Ear to shoulder (left and right)
4. Circle neck
5. Shoulder circles both directions
6.. Alternate shoulders
7. Lift shoulders to ear and drop
8. Both hands on L1 and rotate both directions
9. Rotate Arm circle and turn waist (similar to pakua warm up)
10. Elbow/forearm circles
11. Wrist rotations from Wu Ji stance (clockwise/counter clock)
12. Touching wrist circles
13. Touching wrist coil to elbow circles
14. double inner arms rotations
15.. Body flow drill: sink and expand arms
17. Twist and press at Heels
18. Flow drill: fly arms center-left and right: FZW
19. Sink chest, expand chest
20. Circle chest neutralize push solo drill
21. Hip circles both directions
22. Slap the hip and circle, both sides.
23. Swing arms and body slap
24. Open hip joint in balance stance- circle the leg to open hip joint.
25. Standing heel/hamstring-1
26. Knee circles- feet together and feet apart-3
27. Slap knee rotation- outside knee and circle, inside knee and circle.-4
28. Pubu-Snake creeps down drop stance stretch-2
29. Balance stance knee and ankle circles
30. Bow stance with rear leg toe kick.
31. Floor stretches (8: V, center, left, right, both side, butterfly, toe-touches)-FZW
32. Wall stretches (4 each leg-front, knee chest, side, scale)-FZW
Supplementary solo drills:
33. Silk reeling: ward off left and right.
34. Silk reeling: Cloud hands
35. Rooster on one leg
Standing meditation forms:
36. Holding the one/Wu Ji
37. Pipa Left and right
38. ward off left and right.
Two person body conditioning drills:
39. joined knee circles (inside and outside)
40. hip pushing/neutralizing drill
41. shoulder pushing/neutralizing drill
42. push chest/neutralizing drill
43. back push neutralizing drill
44. wrist lock/elbow neutralizing drill
45. Pung/wrist rotation partner drill
46. wrist on extended fist coiling palm
47. Rooting/Stance pushing- sides, sacrum, ming men, shoulder blades, c-1, dan tien, chest.
48. Hitting/kicking practice: low inside leg, low outside leg, high inside leg, high outside leg, body-body, shoulder-shoulder, head-head.
49. Hitting front of body.
50. Slapping/self hitting body set- legs, lower back, arms, face, front body.