Thanks for the response! Not sure why you can't see the image unless perhaps you're looking at it on a smartphone. I'm looking at it on a desktop or laptop and it comes up for me. Shoot me a pm with your email address and I'd be glad to send you this and a picture of the "finished product."
Perhaps you can see the image in this link, which I posted once I'd finished.
https://bushcraftusa.com/forum/threads/ ... st-4803978
If that doesn't help and you're forced to use your mind's eye, picture a nicely stained and varnished version of the Plain-Jane wooden practice "Kung-Fu" oxtail dao you can pick up practically anywhere. Now picture it with an eye bolt stuck in its pommel and with its grip wrapped following the instructions at this link:
https://www.mandarinmansion.com/restor ... p-wrapping
Since I used gutted 550 cord, it doesn't look as nice as the ones the author did; then again, the lady who bought this thought it was a big deal to pay $25 for the thing so in my defense I
was sort of keeping with the "spirit of frugality." It'd be slippery compared to cotton, sure. But compared to varnished pallet wood, it's not so bad. And she's unlikely to put so much use into it that it'd get soiled from overuse.
As for the balance...it's a wood waster, just like all of 'em - cheap as chips and uglier than a mud fence. The balance is about 6" from the guard which is oddly right about where it should be for proper use. Then again, the owner is in her 70s and any thoughts of "proper use" are out the window.
I'm of the same mind as you regarding swords, weight, balance and function; on the other hand (the yin hand?), I think it's no exaggeration to say that the overwhelming majority of people the world over couldn't tell a proper sword from a stage prop and - more importantly - don't much care about the difference OR their own ignorance.
And really - there may be a deal of sense in that. Historically, wasters are properly made of wood. Ash and hickory were used in singlesticks, which are lighter than their sabre counterparts. And the balance is only close to where it should be by accident. We see German "
Federschwerten," French "
Épées de Combat" and British "gymnasium sabres" and the like, which are steel and made for sparring, but are still lighter than their fighting cousins. Perhaps the choice was made in order to extend the time before the student became unreasonably fatigued.
At any rate, the lady's "sword-like object" is done, it's hers now, and she's happy with it. And as I'm nearly certain she's never going to put herself in a position to need sword skills "out in the world," I consider this sufficient.
The important things are always simple.
The simple things are always hard.
The easy way is always mined.
- from Murphy's Laws of Combat