Yang Style Taijiquan long form video

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Yang Style Taijiquan long form video

Post by oldyangtaijiquan »

Which is the best instructional video on the Traditional Yang Style Taijiquan long form? I have the Yang Zhen Dou's DVDs "Yang Style Taiji Quan" and they are excelent!
There are two another videos that could be interesting:
- Authentic Yang Style Tai Chi Kung Fu, Fu Sheng Yuan (VHS 60 min)
- Yang style TJQ routine in 108 postures, Fu Qing Quan (4x VCD, in Chinese)
Have anyone seen them? Are they recommended? Exist any other better video (preferably on DVD or VCD)?
Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:01 am
Location: Slovenia

Post by oldyangtaijiquan »

I compared the prices of the Yang Long form instructional videos:
- Yang Zhen Dou video "Yang Style Taiji Quan" [3x DVD] (337 min for 51 USD = 0,15 USD/min)
- Fu Qing Quan video "Yang style TJQ routine in 108 postures" [4x VCD] (240 min for 52 USD = 0,22 USD/min)
- Robert Poyton video "Yang family Long Form" [1x VHS] (85 min for 37 USD = 0,44 USD/min)
- Daniel Lee video "Tai Chi Yang Long Form" [4x VHS] (243 min for 120 USD = 0,49 USD/min)
- Fu Sheng Yuan video "Authentic Yang Style Tai Chi Kung Fu" [1x VHS] (60 min for 60 USD = 1,00 USD/min)
- Alex Dong video "Dong Style Orthodox Taiji" [1x VHS] (43 min for 45 USD = 1,05 USD/min)
- John Ding video "Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi" [3x VHS] (135 min for 175 USD = 1,30 USD/min)

A good video about the long form must be long at least 240-300 minutes (4-5 hours), so the videos of Fu Sheng Yuan, Alex Dong, Robert Poyton and John Ding seems to be more a demonstrational videos. The right length instructional video are videos of Yang Zhen Dou, Fu Qing Quan and Daniel Lee.
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