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Tai Chi Ho Shi fa

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:23 pm
by mls_72
Has anyone heard of this before?

I was surfing some pages and came across this-

what is Tai Chi Ho shi Fa? some kind of qigong? must be Cantonese?!?!

Re: Tai Chi Ho Shi fa

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:58 am
by Audi
Hi Matt,

I have not heard of this type of Tai Chi, but it looks to me like Mandarin translated according to the old Wade Giles System. I don't think Cantonese is ever transliterated with a "shi" syllable.

In pinyin, the name might be "Taijiquan he shi fa." I tried searching on some likely character combinations (e.g., 太极拳合势法), but came up with nothing. Maybe someone with more knowledge of Tai Chi or Mandarin than I can do better.

Take care,

Re: Tai Chi Ho Shi fa

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:13 pm
by mls_72
I emailed the person at the website.

Brent Hambly replied to my query. He didnt say much other that it was a basic Yang Style chi kung.

someone on another board mentioned- "Ho Shi is most likely Cantonese for "breathing." Fa simply means "method."

but I agree that is not Cantonese.

I asked Brent:

Does the tai chi ho shi fa just use postures from the form?

For example, my teachers Yang chi kung uses movements like wave hands like clouds and repulse monkey repeated in a 'tai chi ma bu' stance without stepping. Similar?

But he didnt reply back.

Re: Tai Chi Ho Shi fa

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:38 am
by ChiDragon
"Ho Shi is most likely Cantonese for "breathing." Fa simply means "method."
Ho Shi (呼吸) is Mandarin for "breathing." It is not Cantonese.
Ho (呼) is exhale.
Shi (吸) is inhale.

Ho Shi Fa (呼吸法) is breathing method.

Re: Tai Chi Ho Shi fa

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 1:20 pm
by mls_72
Yes, I understand now:

Hu Xi (exhale, inhale) . the Ho shi spelling threw me off.

I noticed Sam Masich puts it in his intro program:

Preparation Training
Foundation and preparation methods (Chubufangfa 初步方法)
Yang-style Taijiquan ‘eight-section brocade’ (Yang-shi taijiquan baduanjin 楊式太極拳八段錦)

Taijiquan flexibility, conditioning and power training (taiji gongli 太極功力)

Seated neigong (zuo neigong 坐内功)

Placing breath method (qixi luodian huxifa 氣息落點呼吸法)

Pre and post-heaven heng-ha qi circulation breathing method (xiantian houtian heng-ha qizhou huxifa 先天後天哼哈氣周之呼吸法)