Taiji Jin Power Basic Explain

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Taiji Jin Power Basic Explain

Post by feng »

太极劲初解 Taiji Jin Power Basic Explain
梅高峰 2014年3月20日 By Feng Mei, 03/20/2014
天为阳,地为阴,人为合。在人体的分布:上肢为阳,下肢为阴,躯干为合。在太极劲分类:手劲为阳劲,腿劲为阴劲,丹田劲为合劲,这可以称为三才劲,而太极拳就是练习三才劲的协调一致。三才劲在太极推手策略中可分为:一打一,平;二打一,赢; 三打一,胜;所谓一打一即:腿劲打腿劲,手劲打手劲,丹田劲打丹田劲,这样,对手双方难分胜负;所谓二打一即:腿劲+丹田劲,腿劲+手劲等等两劲的配合可以赢过对手的任何单一的劲即:腿劲,丹田劲或手劲;所谓三打一即:三才劲协调一致可以胜过对手任何的单一劲即:腿劲,丹田劲或手劲,甚至于赢过对手的任何二劲的配合。

Based on the theory of sky is Yang, earth is Yin, human is harmony. In human body: upper limbs part is Yang, lower limbs part is Yin, center body part is harmony mixed. In Taiji Jin: hands Jin power is Yang Jin power, legs Jin power is Yin Jin power, center Dantian is harmony mixed Jin power, these called three sections Jin power, and Taiji exercise is mainly practice the three sections power coordination together as one. The three sections power use in push hands tactics are: 1 section Jin power fight 1 section Jin power will be even; 2 sections coordinate as one Jin power fight 1 single section Jin power will be win, 3 sections coordinate as one Jin power fight 1 single section Jin power will be absolute win. 1 section Jin power fight 1 section Jin power means legs Jin power fight legs Jin power; Dantian Jin power fight Dantian Jin power or hands Jin power fight hands Jin power, the both side will be even no win side. 2 sections coordinate as one Jin power fight 1 single section Jin power means legs Jin power coordinate Dantian Jin power or hands Jin power will win the opponent's one single Jin power such as legs Jin power, Dantian Jin power or hands Jin power. The 3 sections coordinate as one Jin power fight 1 single section Jin power will be absolute win means legs Jin power + Dantian Jin power + hands Jin power coordinate as one big power will absolute win the opponent's any single part Jin power such as single legs power, single Dantian Jin power or single hands Jin power.
As we the legs Jin power is bigger than hands Jin power, leg is Yin, hand is Yang, so in Tai Chi push hand Yin power can win Yang power. Soft power means the three sections Jin power coordinate as one soft chain Jin power, the hard power means the one single section Jin power alone hard Fajin, so in Tai Chi push hands, soft power can win hard power.
About the force of lever, spiral, friction, centripetal and centrifugal etc. they all belong to external clever force, but they may be reluctantly put in to Tai Chi Jin power theory I think.

论太极劲之虚实 Taiji Jin True power and Fake power Explain

梅高峰,2014年3月20日 By Feng Mei, 03/20/2014


Practice Tai Chi, in Fajin movements, if slow movement with relax Jin is empty power, if fast movement with power is real power, this called True Jin power(Ming Jin); in Fajin movements, if slow movement with real Jin power, this called fake empty and true power Jin; if fast movement with relax Jin, this call fake true power and real empty Jin, this call Hide Jin power(An Jin); in Fajin movements, empty Jin change to true Jin, or true Jin change to empty Jin; fake empty and true power Jin change to fake true power and real empty Jin, or fake true power and real empty Jin change to fake empty and true power Jin, this called Change Jin(Hua jin). So Ming Jin, An Jin and Hua Jin exchange each other coordinate each other is the technique of Tai Chi push hands training important skills. And feeling the opponent's Jin power volume big or small,true or fake, directions are the measure of decision of attack or defense with Jin power allocation. For normal practitioner, Ming Jin easy to feel, An Jin difficult to listen, the Hua Jin will no way to face. So, in the Tai Chi push hands tactics, if use true Jin power fight the opponent's true empty Jin power, will win opponent, if use the true Jin power fight the opponent's fake empty Jin power, will be cheated and lost, if use the true Jin power fight the opponent's true Jin power, this is hard fight hard, who has more hard power who will win. So this need the practitioner from listen feel the Jin power to understand Jin power and can use Tai Chi techniques to exchange different Jin power use in push hands. The practitioner should avoid opponent true hard Jin power and fake empty Jin power, find out the opponent true empty(weak) Jin power immediately attack to win the fight, disturb opponent's An Jin, and feel to prevent the opponent's Hua Jin, use self automatic control and feeling system to action on the movements of defense or attack in push hands.
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