World Tai Chi Qigong Day

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Joined: Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:01 am
Location: Bonaire/Netherlands Antilles

World Tai Chi Qigong Day

Post by Beachdweller2458 »

Hi, I don't see a forum for this event? Is there one?

It would be interesting to read what everyone has been doing/done for today.

I'm running an event for the first time (as far as I know) on this beautiful Island of Bonaire.
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Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:01 am

Post by Kalamondin »

We had a practice in a park here in Seattle. There was a downpour, so we holed up under a large covered area and did the long form, sword, saber, and push hands. Many of the attendees were beginning students who's never seen the weapons or push hands before, so it was fun to share that with them. Then we went out to eat!
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