What is TaiChi 5 elements and 8 principles?

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What is TaiChi 5 elements and 8 principles?

Post by feng »

什么是太极拳的五行八法?What is Tai Chi 5 elements and 8 principles?
梅高峰 2014年6月12日 by Feng Mei 06/12/2014
太极拳的五行是指:木火土金水五行,在拳法中引申为五方即:木行:东方, 火行:南方;土行:中央;金行:西方;水行:北方。若练拳时面南而立,就有木左,火南, 土中,金西,水北的五方划分。即:木-左顾,火-前进; 金-右盼,水-后退;土-中定。
The five elements of TaiChi means: wood, fire, metal and water, lead to deeper meaning they are: wood, east, fire,south,earth,center, metal,west,water,north. so if face south practice Tai Chi, wood,left,fire south, earth, center, metal west, water,north.total five directions, which are: wood-left watch, metal right look, fire-foreward,water-backward; earth-center steady.
什么是太极拳的五行八法?What is Tai Chi 5 elements ... 应用图解 [url][/url]

Tai Chi's 8 principles means 8movements lead to deeper means Bagua's 8 images, because TaiChi born 2 yi(yin and yang), 2 yi born 4 appearances, 4appearances born Ba gua(8images)"1,Qian: lie;2Dui:Ji,3,Li: Pi;4,Zhen:Peng;5,Xun:Kao;6,Kan:An;7,Gen:Zhou;8,Kun:Cai.

八卦与五行的关系:The relationships ofBaguawith 5 elements:
根据传统八卦理论八个卦象引申的五行含义为:Tradiitonal Bagua theory also include 5 elements meaning:
  ☰乾:天健父马头脑南西北金111U+2630 Qian means: sky, father,hourse,head,northwest,metal etc.,
☱兑:泽悦少女羊口肺东南西金110U+2631 Dui means: lake, happy, young girl, goat, mouth, south-east, metal etc,.
☲离:火丽中女雉目胆囊东南火101U+2632 Li means: fire, beautiful, middle girl, eye, gallbladder, southeast, fire etc,.
☳震:雷动长男龙足心东北东木100U+2633 Zhen means: thunder old boy,dragon, feet, heart, north-east wood etc,.
☴巽风入长女鸡股肝西南东南木011U+2634 Xun means: wind, old girl, chicken, liver, southeast, wood etc,.
☵坎:水陷中男豕耳肾西北水010U+2635 Kan means: water sink, middle boy, pig, ear, kidney water north etc.,
☶艮:山止少男狗手胃西北东北土001U+2636 Gen means: mountain, young boy, dog, hand, stomach, northeast, earth etc.,
☷坤:地顺母牛腹脾北西南土000U+2637 Kun means: earth, follow, cow, abdomen, spleen, southwest, earth etc.,
hence, Tai Chi 5 elements have very tight relationship with Bagua 8 images(8 principles)which total are 13forms.

附:阴阳理论与 太极劲的关系及应用图解
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Re: What is TaiChi 5 elements and 8 principles?

Post by neotaichi »

A better illustration of the 8 Principles (see attachment)
tai chi yin yang bagua 8 principles
tai chi yin yang bagua 8 principles
yinyang-aa.jpg (135.05 KiB) Viewed 16165 times
This is the Xiantian Bagua, also known as Fu Xi Bagua or Earlier Heaven Bagua.

You can see how 3 Yin/Yang formed the combination of the 8 elements (trigrams), their exact positions, meanings and the corresponding Chinese characters (and pronunciations).

This is also the center of the Taoism philosophy. You may have seen similar illustrations in that context too.

Feng's explanations are detailed enough for you to understand the whole symbol.

I actually found this symbol on Amazon - Ying Yang T-Shirt, Chinese Tai Chi Bagua Yin Yang, Anvil
Master the ultimate principles of Yin Yang Bagua - the foundation of Tai Chi.
Search "Ying Yang T-Shirt, Chinese Tai Chi Bagua Yin Yang" on Amazon.
Posts: 1
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Re: What is TaiChi 5 elements and 8 principles?

Post by Kendricks »

Cool tshirt neo, where can I get one like that?
You can read about extenze here as well.
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