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Yang long form segmentation

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:16 am
by rakyat
The Yang Cheng Fu long form is segmented into 3 segments by the Shi zi Shou (cross-hands). Are each of these segments self-contained, meaning that you can, if you wish, do only the 2nd segment daily. Perhaps only do 1st segment and 3rd segment daily. Will this screw up your Qi system and harm your health?


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:53 pm
by shugdenla

Better to do the whole form.
Since the movements done once are under 40 postures, try for that pattern of movement follwowing the format of the long form!

You can only do this if you have been practicing over 5 years or so and you know the form by heart. Otherwise the long form is better.