Taijiquan Classical Style: Qualified Instructors

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Taijiquan Classical Style: Qualified Instructors

Post by samman »

This may be an unusual question, but I would like some opinions on this...

It is concerning a video by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming: Tiajiquan Classical Yang Style.

Is this a true representation of the Yang Long Form? I have read many good things about Dr. Yang, but I have also read some that are not to favorable. Is he a reputable teacher, with a good understanding of the Yang style?

I would like to have an accurate reference of the Long Form, but at this point, am a litle uncertain if this video is a good choice.

Also, would it be a wise idea to learn from someone that may not be teaching the true Yang style (and callig it that), in hopes that a better qualified instructor will be found? If not, would a person (with years of martial arts experience) be better off learning from a video... understanding that it is better to eventually seek out a qualified instructor?

I hope that my question(s) are clear.

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Joined: Wed Jan 24, 2001 7:01 am

Post by JerryKarin »

Yang Jwing-ming is a well known practitioner and is generally thought well of in the taiji community. He is also expert in a number of other arts. His forms are quite similar but not identical to those taught by Yang Zhenduo and Yang Jun. By all means use his video if his take on the style is what you plan to learn. If you want to learn the style as taught by the Yangs, you should take one of their seminars and perhaps obtain their videos. The Yangs have taken to calling their forms 'traditional Yang style' to differentiate them from the many variants of Yang style which have grown somewhat different from that taught by Yang Chengfu in his later years.