Parting Wild Horses Mane

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Parting Wild Horses Mane

Post by Audi »

During the transitory roll backs that precede Left and Right Separate Foot, there are non-standard bow steps. There are identical non-standard bow steps throughout the sword form.

Although I do not think I have ever heard a specific explanation of these bow steps, I have always assumed they were necessary to allow one to take multiple steps in a straight line without have to adjust the angle of the feet the way it is done, for instance, before and after Brush Right Knee.

In Parting Wild Horse's Mane, we again have non-standard bow steps, but we adjust the forward foot anyway, before shifting weight onto it for the next Parting Wild Horse's Mane. Can anyone explain what is going on here?

In the other non-standard bow steps, I have assumed that the angle between the feet remains 45 degrees, even though neither foot is square to the cardinal point or to the corner. Does anyone have an opinion as to what the angle is in Parting Wild Horse's Mane, and why? Is this somehow to improve the angle of the striking (?) ward off arm?


[This message has been edited by Audi (edited 05-07-2003).]
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Post by ken »

I have thought a bit about why parting the wild horse's mane does not use the traditional bow stance, and although it has never been explained to me, I think I have a little feeling as to why.

First, I think you need to consider that you are moving in a straight line towards a cardinal point (as opposed to moving towards a corner) In this move the rear foot is at the usual 45 degrees to the direction of travel as is done the brush knee move. However, this move does not use a push or strike in the direction of travel. Rather, it uses a ward off movement that has a bit of a vector of deflecting towards the side rather than just in the line of travel. It seems that the application appears to be more like one of the applications recently discussed under single whip, wherein the opponent can be pushed off balance over one's forward leg. If the forward foot were in a standard bow stance (i.e., pointing towards a cardinal point), it seems the vector of the ward off is more in the line of travel rather than deflecting to the side and over the knee of the forward leg. By opening the forward leg so that it points a little beyond the cardinal point, the vector of the ward (a) has more of a deflecting/sideways quality, and which (b) can be lent to pushing the opponent over the foward knee.

I hope (a) this makes sense, and (b) is not too far off base.

Happy practicing,

[This message has been edited by ken (edited 08-30-2001).]
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Post by Audi »

Hi all:

I have finally been able to finish studying the new 49-Movement video; and as usual, I picked up a bunch of things I had not realized before. In addition, I now have a bunch of questions about the direction of the feet in the entire sequence that begins with the transition into Diagonal Single Whip and which ends with the transition into Fair Lady Works the Shuttles.

I have liked the logic of Ken’s post above and so have assumed for the past couple of years that his explanation is correct. Having now reviewed the video, I again have questions about both this sequence and about how and whether to extend the same underlying logic to the 49-Movement Form.

As I understand it, in both the 49-Movement Form and the 103-Movement Form, the left-foot pivot to the west (i.e., to the right) that begins the transition into Embrace Tiger and Return to the Mountain is slightly less than 90 degrees. This means that the following Bow Stance that is assumed at the end of the posture and maintained during the following Grasp Sparrow’s Tail remains standard in configuration, but is directed slightly to the west (i.e., slightly to the left) of the northwest corner.

In watching the video, I thought I heard that the Bow Stance in the following Diagonal Single Whip was precisely 180 degrees apart from the Bow Stance in Embrace Tiger and Return to the Mountain and thus was also not exactly towards the corner. Is this correct; and if so, does the same apply to the transitions into Fist Under Elbow and Diagonal Single Whip in the 103-Movement form?

I thought I also thought I heard on the video that the left-foot pivot that begins the transition into Parting Wild Horses Mane was also not exactly oriented to the southwest corner, but was slightly less than 45 degrees. I interpreted this to mean that the left-foot pivot following the end of Diagonal Single Whip was somewhat greater than 90 degrees and that the left foot of the final Bow Stance of Parting Wild Horses Mane faced slightly to the right of the corner (i.e., to west-southwest). I now wonder whether my interpretation is correct and whether the pivot is supposed to be slightly less than 90 degrees, leaving the left foot facing slightly to the left of the corner (i.e., to south-southwest). Can anyone confirm which is correct?

I also understood from the video that the right foot in the bow stance assumed at the peak of Parting Wild Horses Mane faces slightly to the left of the northwest corner and that the configuration of the posture is supposed to be a standard Bow Stance. Is this correct; and if so, why should this be different from the 103-Movement Form?

I would appreciate any help or speculation anyone could offer with any of these questions.

Thanks in advance,
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