What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energy

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What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energy

Post by Lohany »

Forgive me if this 1st post seems to be out of place but I am new to Tai Chi- an absolute beginner- but already, I am experiencing much "sexual energy" as a by product of my limited Tai Chi experience. I think this will probably pass and it's just a phase but I was wondering if there are any suggestions on how to make the most of this situation? as in abstain from all sex? and how to deal with it on an energetic level.

I am a 42 year old male and this type of sexual energy is unlike previous sexual desires or feelings. This is very powerful energy that emanates from the stomach and buzzes (seems like it) throughout my lower body.

I would like to respect it and understand it but I don't know what to do with it. Any suggestions about this? and I am researching into it some more in the meantime. Thanks for your time
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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by Sugelanren »

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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by Lohany »

Also, it's only happened about 3 times and lasts for a few hours. I burn it off when I go to work and it's not a permanent condition. It only happened after doing some practice but better to down play this and just focus on the basics.
Bob Ashmore
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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by Bob Ashmore »

I am going to treat your inquiry as serious since you've come back already to look for any answers you may have received.
Please understand that there are a lot of people who try to "bait" online forums for responses to questions like these for reasons I truly do not understand or care to speculate on.
We have covered this very thing on this forum in the past but I do not recall exactly where to be able to post a link for you to follow that thread. Perhaps others will remember and can do that for us.

First though, a disclaimer:
My response to your inquiry is entirely my personal opinion which is based only on my own experiences both in learning and teaching TCC and in no way constitutes or implies an official statement or policy from the International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association or Everyday Taiji Cooperative, LLC.
End of disclaimer.

This is not at all uncommon. In my personal opinion you are experiencing a surge of renewed energy throughout your entire body and your body is reacting to it in a normal, healthy fashion.
You will eventually "level out" and this new level of energy will become the norm, so if you continue to practice regularly and diligently you will most likely continue to experience a heightened sense of "energy" that will also spill over into other activities that you participate in.
This is no reason for alarm, in fact my suggestion would be to simply enjoy your renewed level of vitality.
As for "how to deal with it"...
I can only suggest that if you have one you might want to share this with your significant other and let them make that determination.
Cold showers almost always work for me.

I hope this helps.

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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by Lohany »

Thanks for response, Bob Ashmore. I found a few posts on "sexual energy", but they were more like theoretical discussions. I will try to just let it be and go with the flow and maybe a cold shower is what I need more often. But it's less intense than before.

But I posted it to see if there was something to do if someone experiences this. Doesn't seem to be any advice on it so I'm working on integrating it (somehow) and leave it alone- don't discuss it anymore. Again, thanks for input
Bob Ashmore
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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by Bob Ashmore »

No reason not to discuss it as long as it's a serious inquiry.
I do think that you are following the best course by just going with it and not worrying about it.
No reason to worry, it's a perfectly normal and healthy response to a renewed level of vitality in your life.

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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by Audi »


I would second Bob's comments. Tai Chi is supposed to help with overall all health and vigor and so the sensations you describe should be one possible side effect of good practice.

I also think there is nothing in particular you need to do about this energy. In fact, paying too much attention to "side effects" can be detrimental to practice, since there can be many causes of such effects, and your development and experiences should change over time. For instance, feeling heat or a tingling sensation in your hands can mean that you are improving circulation to them and are just beginning to feel the increase; however, it might also mean that you are diverting excess circulation to them and are just beginning to feel the excess. In other words, enjoy the sensations, but do not chase them too much.

Some Taoist concepts that are part of the cultural heritage that underlies Tai Chi theory have very specific things to say about this type of energy, but I personally do not believe they have much relevance to modern Tai Chi practitioners.

Take care,
dragon x
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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by dragon x »


I too am a beginner although i have been doin Taiji for yrs now. And i also get strong sexual energy. In fact mines seem to increase as i continue to train. I usually masturbate some of it away (i have no girlfriend at present) and i also am learning to circulate the energy thru the small heavenly circle. the only people i know who teach are Mantak Chia or his students. You should research this and find someone who can teach it to you learning how to channel the energy and bring to different energy centers would both help you with your problem and improve your Taiji 8)

Hope this helps. The "Small Heavenly Circle" is also called "Microcosmic Orbit" Check around you should be able to find some one who can teach you. It is part of the meridians, that form the extra meridians. (which you are maybe already opening up.)
8) 8) 8)
"i understand the feelin the urge can be Tremendous.................. :) :!:
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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by yslim »

dragon x wrote:Lohany:

"i understand the feelin the urge can be Tremendous.................. :) :!:
Not if you know how to applied the "Big Draw" and good venture to you.....
dragon x
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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by dragon x »

Yes, Yslim,

You are quite correct i had forgotten about the big draw. This is good advice for Lohany as well.
Also i forgot to mention that Dr. Jwing Ming Yang of YMAA also teaches the Microcosmic orbit.

Thanx again for the Big Draw Advice i shall practice it more often. 8)
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Re: What to do? Beginner experiences tremendous sexual energ

Post by yslim »

dragon x wrote:Yes, Yslim,

You are quite correct i had forgotten about the big draw. This is good advice for Lohany as well.
Also i forgot to mention that Dr. Jwing Ming Yang of YMAA also teaches the Microcosmic orbit.

Thanx again for the Big Draw Advice i shall practice it more often. 8)
You are welcome. More hidden x power to you dragon x. Maybe you can tell the how to Lohany, when you tamed your "senior moment". :D
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