Yang Family 8 Words Formula

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Yang Family 8 Words Formula

Post by fchai »


I came across this some time ago, which was titled the "Yang Family 8 Words". It was from a translation by Lee Fife, I understand. Can anyone tell me if this is actually from the Yang Family, and when/who originated it? Below is the translation attributed to Lee Fife.


Centered and Balanced, Peaceful and Comfortable,
Light and Agile, Rounded and Lively.

中 (zhōng): Centered
As a noun, zhōng means center or middle. As a verb, it means to hit or strike exactly, as in hit the target. The meaning of zhōng has been described as embedded in the character: 中 resembles a flag or sail attached to a central pole. The sail can change its position and orientation to accommodate the wind without perturbing the central pole.

正 (zhèng): Balanced
Zhèng means upright, balance, correct, or proper. It’s used in compounds meaning just right, just in time, correctly situated, proper, and appropriate. Here, it conveys ideas of being symmetrical, vertically aligned, and correct in position, timing, and shape. Zhōng zhèng provides a guideline for checking your own shapes and postures.

安(ān): Peaceful
Ān means peaceful, tranquil, calm, unperturbed. It’s used in examples meaning sleep peacefully, be at ease, be content, walking without any hurry.

舒 (shū ): Comfortable
Shū means to be comfortable or leisurely, to stretch out, to unfold and smooth.  It’s used in phrases meaning refreshed, taking a breather, shaking off cares, being comfortable and cozy. Ān shū describes how you should feel in relation to another or to the world around you, not being perturbed, at ease, having the leisure to respond appropriately. In push hands, you should strive for comfort, remaining comfortable regardless of the situation and the other person's state.  If you find yourself becoming uncomfortable, address that immediately before the other person gains advantage.

轻 (qīng): Light
Qīng means light (as in weight), easy, gentle, soft, without stresses. It’s used in phrases meaning light weight, portable, travel lightly with little luggage, move gracefully. Qīng specifically applies to the body and indicates that we should not get heavy and immovable.

灵 (líng): Agile
Líng means quick, alert, spirit, agile, clever, sharp. The old character shows sorcerers praying for rain. It’s used in phrases meaning nimble, effective, inspired (e.g. to create art or music), flexible, mobile, sensitive, and ingenious. Líng refers to the mind and awareness, instructing us to remain alert, changeable, and responsive. Together qīng líng tells us to keep our body and mind light and nimble.

圆(yuán): Rounded
Yuán means round, circular, spherical. It’s used in mathematics to indicate a circle or sphere and in phrases meaning mediate, effect a compromise, thorough, and comprehensive. Here, it basically means just the same as “rounded”.

活 (huó): Lively
Huó means lively, alive, living, vivacious.  Together, yuán huó describes qualities our movement should have: always being lively and rounded, circular and full of vitality.

Take care,
Louis Swaim
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Re: Yang Family 8 Words Formula

Post by Louis Swaim »


The first phrase, 中正安舒, appears in tact in Wu Yuxiang's "Mental Elucidation," which I rendered as "centrally aligned, calm and at ease." The second phrase I don't recall off hand seeing as an in-tact phrase, but 圆活 (roundness and liveliness) also appears in the "Mental Elucidation," as does 灵 by itself, but not coupled with 轻. I don't recall seeing these called out as an "8 word formula," but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist somewhere. Have you asked Mr. Fife?

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Re: Yang Family 8 Words Formula

Post by fchai »

Hi Louis,

Many thanks for your thoughts and advice. I have since contacted Lee Fife and he has informed me of the origins of the saying.

According to Lee, he was orally given these words by a former teacher of his from Yang Jianhou's lineage. He also acknowledges that there is no relationship to Yang Chengfu and the current Yang family. He concurs with your observation to the link to the Mental Elucidation and other past Taiji works. Qing ling he understands comes from the first line of the classic attributed to Zhang Sanfeng. However, the saying has been beneficial in his practice.

I am now a little more informed about this matter.

Again, my thanks for your advice.

Take care,
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Re: Yang Family 8 Words Formula

Post by CriminalDefenseLaw »

Dear Louis-

Thank you for having translated Yang Cheng Fu's and
Fu Zhongwen's books, which are your works that I own.

I hope you are doing well? I ask because I see no postings on this site from you after 2020.

Thank you.

Jon Katz
Fairfax, Virginia
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