relaxing the mind

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relaxing the mind

Post by mc2246 »

I am very new to Tai Chi. My Master tells me, among other things, that I am too stiff and I need to relax my mind. But, he can't tell me how to do it. I think I understand, but nothing seems to work. I am so concentrated on making all the movements correct, keeping my body straight, keeping upper and lower matching and my center clear that I don't find it possible to relax. Any suggestions?

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Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:01 am

Post by Polaris »

Keep practicing! Don't give up. Keep trying to do what your teacher says, if he sees you trying eventually he should help you with a physical demonstration of how to relax. If he doesn't see an effort, well...

We all come from different stress levels, but with this world as messed up as it is we ALL come from a basic background stress level. So you are experiencing something common to all T'ai Chi Ch'uan students. It really takes time to relax, and the physical benefits of the practices your teacher has you doing will enable you to relax eventually.

This may or may not be what your teacher is doing, but is an old teaching technique to put a little pressure on students. Pressure in order to get to a new place mentally and physically.
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