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Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:43 pm
by Bob Ashmore
Excellent point. It's all real.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 7:36 pm
by mls_72
I will remake another video again...not really satisfied with that one. One of my friends mentioned that it is only showing applications with a semi-willing opponent and not with a truly resisting opponent. I really want to show some effectiveness of taijiquan as a combat martial art against an unwilling opponent. as for footage- getting some of that wont be easy.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:20 pm
by Gu Rou Chen
RE: Will the real skill please stand up!

Well, he was a bit too old to stand up when filmed here, but 8 methods are still crystal clear.


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:12 pm
by T
Doing a push hands with my sifu… ok it was a bit beyond push hands but its basis was push hands.

When you all of a sudden find yourself in a position where your sifu has one leg behind you has control of one of your arms and his other hand on your forehead and with only a slight push you fall down. It is not that much of a stretch to realize what this would have been had he applied force or used fajin.

As many have said push hands is not fighting.

Look at this, it likely has been posted here before but this is push hands and just think of how it would be should Tung Hu Ling actually decide to use his power or take it the next step up to fighting, and he could do that as well.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:44 pm
by Jamie
Hi Folks,

I've been off forums for a while - so busy!

I really think that fixed and moving step push hands are a bridge to Taiji free fighting. First we learn to get root then to give up root. At the same time we learn how to keep the superior position and to develop many of the Taiji skills spoken about by past masters. Most of these involve retraining the nervous system to develop the "Taiji body".
Once this foundation is layed we can keep that feeling even from a distance. Gradualy all of the skills developed through push hands can be transferred to free fighting.

If the Taiji practitioner went directly to free fighting without the time spent PH. it would be very difficult to get the correct taiji feeling while fighting. In my case I was allowed to practice a little fighting after 3 years and gradually increased the amount after 5 years. But even now the PH aspect of training is most important to continue to develop the skills spoken about in taiji history.
Also, if you can relax... If you can fa jing in pushing -lightly, heavily, to an empty point or a stiff point then striking is the easy part of learning taiji free fighting.
You see different approaches to this. For example in Chen style you see powerfull fa jing frequently used in forms. So that killing blow is practiced through forms can be used in fighting. In Yang style we practice techniques that will confuse the opponent's nervous system so that most of the attacks are distractions or irritaions setting up for a single final strike. The energy for that strike is developed naturally from the full curriculum.

Thanks for reading


Re: Will the real skill please stand up!

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 9:45 pm
by windwalker

master wang peisheing,

is quite clear about taiji skill what it is and is not.
ph along with other training is one method whereby one can understand and gain the skill.

once gained how its used is a matter of need and focus.