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Re: EGAD! The fools want to put me on cadre - NOW WHAT?!

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:18 pm
by ChiDragon
This is a perfectly reasonable plan, but be aware that there is a difference between the form and movement logic in the Beijing 24 and the Association’s forms. For instance, although both contain Brush Knee and Twist Step, the arm movements are performed somewhat differently. In the medium and long term, it can be helpful to know different variations of a posture or different styles, but in the short term it can also be confusing.
The Beijing 24 form was developed from the Yang style. Going down the line, there are small variations from individual to individual who practiced the form. IMMHO It should not have any impact on the human body biologically not physiologically. If one had practiced with a variation to begin with, one can either stay with it or corrected. Why should it be confusing since it was only all cosmetic?

There is a big difference in cloud hands between the Wu and Yang styles. As a matter of fact, the WU style cloud hands is not even near the Yang style. However, the same health benefit is still can be achieved from both styles.

Re: EGAD! The fools want to put me on cadre - NOW WHAT?!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 8:23 pm
by Charles
Hi ChiDragon and Audi,

Thank you both for your most recent comments and suggestions as always they are greatly appreciated. And whilst a clear consensus on the role of breathing is not to be achieved, it does provide me with plenty to think about and contemplate.

As for the Beijing 24-Form, this sequence we will continue to practice as it provides us with a link to the rest of the Taijiquan community in Australia. The Yang Family forms are almost unheard of in Australia and if any of us want to participate in any community activities or practice with another group the Beijing 24-Form is the most practice form in Australia and from the literature I have read it would also appear to be the most practiced form in the world. So as I mentioned earlier it ‘provides us with a link to the rest of the Taijiquan community’ here.

Again, thank you both for your comments and suggestions they certainly give me plenty to contemplate.

Best wishes and I hope you both have a relaxing holiday season.
