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Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:47 am
by Kalamondin
Hi Louis,

Thanks for your explanations! I’d never heard it that way either, but then, the whole practice of fa jing is new to me. I’ll go home and re-read my classics and see if I find anything.

Thanks again,

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:42 am
by BaguaMonk
My Bagua teacher taught me a while back a form of Bagua push hands (there are many) in which you slightly step into eachother and with your forearm, bounce eachother off. Its a bit "harder" than Taiji's various push hands but it feels that (even though my opponent may be bigger) when I step in and make contact with my opponents forearm, I can absorb his push a bit and then bounce him away or bounce myself back. Instead of stepping back, I let myself bounce back, so we are effectively bouncing eachother. But if I wanted to bounce him forward, even though he's coming at me, I could issue energy and do so the moment my arm gives a little.

It might be similar, although Bagua's stays a bit firmer than Taiji's.

[This message has been edited by BaguaMonk (edited 01-09-2005).]