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weight lifting

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:19 am
by sazaneya
How much weight should I start lifting? I recently got myself a second hand set of dumbbells and barbells. I'm 25, fairly strong but I've never done weight lifting such as this before. I've moved furniture and such, but this is different. How much should I start lifting on either set and about how often and how much should I be increasing the weight? Any tips for how much lifting to do in a day is also appreciated.

Re: weight lifting

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:10 am
by Audi
Why do you ask this on a Tai Chi forum? How does your question relate to Tai Chi?

Re: weight lifting

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:05 am
by Conan
Start your workout from the smallest weight and increase the weight with the passage of the time.
A 30 to 45 minutes daily workout is enough to lift your body and improve your body strength and fitness.

adamprowse personal trainer

Re: weight lifting

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:55 am
by Jaxi
I find the best benefits from activities that you have a difficult, though not TOO hard to do... then doing that all day. Laborious work like digging trenches all day, but adding in the working of chi while doing it can allow it to benefit, not break down. Almost any activity can break down the body without healing from its effects more than the level of damage dealt. I find tree climbing like a monkey and taking a huge mound of large rocks, tossing them all to form a new mound and repeating for hours... These are great full body exercises that seemingly create muscles where their were none lol. Also gripping exercises for martial arts, and low stance stuff for leg strength. Good luck.