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Q: 88 Form - or 108 Form?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:20 am
by HengYu
Dear Members

I practice a small gungfu system, preserved within a family. However, we practice a long form of taijiquan that is referred to as 108 Yang Cheng Fu (slightly different pronounciation in Hakka). It has been pointed out by one or two people that its structure is similar, although not exactly the same as the modern 88 form.

I am wondering whether the PRC used Yang Cheng Fu's form as the blue-print for the 88? The difficulty lies in the fact that Taijiquan was not part of our gungfu in its earliest time. And our sigung died in 1992, without ever discussing the origin of our long form.

I think the new forms, such as the 24, 48 and 88 have alot to offer. Particularly for us, as we simply project our tradition onto the new movements, to find old meanings.

Thank you.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:47 pm
by shugdenla
The choreography is about the same and it depends on how the movements/postures are counted! The jibengong and shenfa is what makes the difference.
From my teachers, the 88 Forms was used by the PRC but there were a few 88 or similar form already in existance though the PRC stamp was the nail.

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:52 pm
by HengYu
Thank you very much for your reply. I suspected as much, and agree with what you say.

Our Sigung taught from the perspective of qi anf fajin, but a very good lady I know, living in Scotland, but from Mainland China (she is a Chinese Doctor), is also a taijiquan master, but has not been taught qi, or its martial cultivation. She does however, use medical qi, etc.

Thank you