Long staff form
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:47 pm
On this web site I have seen in the Tai Chi info section the following question: Which weapons are part of the original Yang family tai chi?
The answer is provided by Master Yang Jun, and it says: "The traditional Yang style actually doesn't have many weapons...The short weapons are the 67-move sword and 13-move sabre. Now the long weapons. We used to include the long spear (or Yang style 13-move spear), but later for safety reasons removed the spear head so that it became a long staff. The techniques for the staff remain the same as the original spear form..."
I have been wondering: Does anybody know if The Yang Family is still teaching long staff form to the public? Will there be a seminar about it some day? I would really like to know that.
On this web site I have seen in the Tai Chi info section the following question: Which weapons are part of the original Yang family tai chi?
The answer is provided by Master Yang Jun, and it says: "The traditional Yang style actually doesn't have many weapons...The short weapons are the 67-move sword and 13-move sabre. Now the long weapons. We used to include the long spear (or Yang style 13-move spear), but later for safety reasons removed the spear head so that it became a long staff. The techniques for the staff remain the same as the original spear form..."
I have been wondering: Does anybody know if The Yang Family is still teaching long staff form to the public? Will there be a seminar about it some day? I would really like to know that.