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Taiji ball

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2001 4:32 am
by tai1chi
Hi All,

is there any mention of YCF having practiced with or suggested using a stone ball for training? Also, what was his relationship with Kwan Sai Hung (sp?) if you know of any.

Best regards,
Merry Holidays,
Steve James

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 5:45 pm
by Michael
I thought that I had heard that Kwan studied Chen, but I may very well be wrong. I also would be interested in if such a connection exited. Don't know about the stone ball.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 5:11 am
by tai1chi
Hi Michael,

yes, I have heard contrary rumors about Kwan Sai Hung, the most relevant of which here would be that he claims to have been a student of YCF. Then, if so, the question would be the amount of time he could have spent with him, etc. However, what I was most interested in was the claim he seems to have made that YCF taught him a practice with a stone ball. I've never heard of any such tradition in Yang family tjq, though I have heard of it within Chen style. Anyway, I just wanted to hear any confirmations or the opposite.

Steve James