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Swedish Open 2003, Tai Chi Chuan and all internal martial ar

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 9:52 pm
by Ripat
Dearest martial artists,

I write this to invite you to the first Swedish Open championships for
Tai Chi Chuan and internal
martial arts!

The complete invitation and entry form can be found at the Swedish Open 2003

Please feel free to send this information to everyone that you think might be
interested. The competition is open to everyone and on the second day there
will be a Tai Chi Chuan workshop with sifu Dan Docherty that also is open for

Best regards!

The Swedish Open 2003 committee

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2002 5:38 pm
by Ripat
The English rules are up now. Take a look if you are intrested... Sorry for the delay.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 6:50 pm
by Ripat

I would like to remind you all that we need to receive the entry form before the 10th of January.

You can find more information about the first Swedish Open championships for Tai Chi Chuan and internal martial arts here:

/Mattias Nyrell