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liability insurance?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 3:14 pm
by smalltown
Someone in my community of 2000 people wants to teach free t'ai chi in the park. She was told she needs liability insurance to teach free ad-hoc, come-if-you-want to classes there. This is the town's usual way of keeping everyone and everything out of the park.

When I went to Toronto's High Park a few weeks ago, I saw small classes like this all over the park. Do those free tai chi teachers usually get liability insurance? How could you afford it when you teach for free?

Re: liability insurance?

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 5:29 pm
by Drew
Hello Smalltown,

I agree with your sentiment, but there is a solution, at least here in the U.S. There are several companies that offer insurance policies for yoga/fitness instructors which also cover t'ai chi ch'uan instructors. I purchased such a policy to teach in a county-run facility here in Florida. It cost me $179 for one year. I understand that this may seem quite a lot for someone who is teaching for free, but it does grant that individual some degree of legitimacy. Here is a link to one provider. You can Google "tai chi instructor insurance" for others. ... 7Aodn3oAiQ

Best of luck,
