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Chen Taiji vs Muay Thai event in China

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:58 pm
by mls_72
Ok just watched them. The rules looked like no elbows or knees. I saw some of the chinese fighters getting saved by ref a few times. I thought i saw some bad decisions. The Chinese throws probably scored high. I saw some good Muay Thai throws. props to those Chen Taiji guys not scared to get in there and pressure testing their fight skills under a set of rules. Seems like the Muay thai guys were there as an exhibition and didnt really care.

Chen Tai Chi VS Muay Thai





Re: Chen Taiji vs Muay Thai event in China

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:24 pm
by Audi
Hi Matt,

Those fighters are certainly willing to do more than me, especially at my current age, and I respect their ability.

I don't know much about Muay Thai, but is this the usual format? For instance, are those the normal gloves used? Are double-leg tackles usually permitted? I think of Muay Thai as having different characteristic hand positions and focusing more on gaining the Plum (?) position for knee attacks. In this format, I found it a little difficult to distinguish the signature characteristics of the styles, beside observing a preference for different types of kicks.

By the way, I had never heard about (English version) before. Those especially interested in Chen Style should definitely check it out. There is also a video section (Chinese only) with videos of other styles as well. Here are links to videos from Chen Style, Yang Style, Wu (Jianquan) Style, Wuu (Hao) Style, He Style, and Sun Style. I have no familiarity with He Style and found this video of He Youlu (和有禄) interesting. Notice, for instance, the orientation and straightness of the back leg in what is presumably Single Whip.

The last four parts of the video section have various other Tai Chi videos, including the Chen Style vs. Muay Thai fights, some push hands competition, and a short clip on a Qin Na application.

There is also a photo section (in Chinese only) with some cool photos, including these shadow art photos of various masters, including Chen Xiaowang and Chen Zhenglei.

Take care,

Re: Chen Taiji vs Muay Thai event in China

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:42 pm
by mls_72
In the format they agreed upon, it looked like a combination of K-1 and Sanda/sanshou rules without elbow striking and muay thai clinched knees. so yes, double leg take downs were permitted. gloves were 14 oz. gloves.

Re: Chen Taiji vs Muay Thai event in China

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:14 am
by T
It was not so much Chen vs Muay Thai as it was Sanda vs Muay Thai.

Good fight but no taiji there

Re: Chen Taiji vs Muay Thai event in China

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:11 pm
by UniTaichi
Hi T,

It is a fact that there are quite a number of taiji practitioners and general public sees Chen PH similar to shuiajiao or wrestling. Just go to Youtube and look at the comments. One hardly see any taiji in their PH.

I saw only one video where the winner is the Muay Thai guy. From the video, the MT only used enough to let the Chen guy go(for) a 2nd or was it 3rd round. He could have finished off in the 1st, if he goes all out. The referee is also a bit baised IMO.


Re: Chen Taiji vs Muay Thai event in China

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:31 am
by T
I trained Chen with a 19th generation Chen family member and I can assure you traditional Chen PH is not the same as shuaijiao or wrestling. But I do honestly feel that the 20th generation is talking it in the direction of shuaijiao and wrestling at a rather fast rate and most of what you see from the Chen family in PH on YouTube is from the 20th generation.

This is what I find really disturbing about the whole Chen vs Muay Thai thing it is showing Sanda and not taiji at all and calling it taijiquan

Re: Chen Taiji vs Muay Thai event in China

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:28 am
by UniTaichi
Hi T,

///This is what I find really disturbing about the whole Chen vs Muay Thai thing it is showing Sanda and not taiji at all and calling it taijiquan.///

For one who is practicing Chen style to said that clearly shows that you are a true Taiji person. You have my utmost respect for this.
