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Taijiquan shi: Taiji power enhancement by Xu Yu-sheng

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:29 pm
by mls_72
this is a very very interesting read so far. Xu Yu-Sheng got to train with Yang Jian Hou, Yang shao hou, and Yang Chengfu.

Xu says that there was a 115 form that was performed that was difficult, it was difficult with jumps, spins, and other difficult sections strung together to total 115. Li Yuan-xuan inherited this form.
There was a 85 "Old yang family" form and a 71 form that Yang Jian hao taught closer to Chen Taiji in number. The book is more about the 71 form.

Hope you can explore this translation. Bradford lived in Beijing for 1983 to 1997 apparently and has met many great masters help him translate including Fu Zhong Wen. ... 57595.html

Re: Taijiquan shi: Taiji power enhancement by Xu Yu-sheng

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:14 pm
by Louis Swaim
Have you compared it to Brennan's on-line translation? Or is this a different work by Xu Yusheng? ... u-yusheng/


Re: Taijiquan shi: Taiji power enhancement by Xu Yu-sheng

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:16 pm
by mls_72
I have not yet read Brennan's translation. Bradford's book has a lot of good pictures and commentaries. After i read it I will compare it to Brennan's.

Re: Taijiquan shi: Taiji power enhancement by Xu Yu-sheng

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:23 pm
by mls_72
I took some time this morning looking at Brennan's translation, and the two books are very very different.
Brennan's has the Chinese and the direct translation and Bradford does not have all of those chapters and goes in a completely different direction with the book and translation. Just reading the research Bradford did with various masters was enough for me.

I suggest anyone very serious in the study of Taijiquan should buy the ebook, (only 10 dollars) and add it to your Taiji library, I think you will find it an interesting read and you can decide for yourself if you like the work or not.