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Internal Power (QiGong / Pranayama / TenagaDalam)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:52 pm
by mouzalina.mahfud
Qigong / Pranayama / TenagaDalam include breath practices where there is no body movement except of the breathing apparatus itself. Such research suggests that simple breathing techniques alone may increase the amount of oxygen absorbed from the blood. Individuals who are restricted in their movement due to health problems may have access to some of the benefits that have traditionally been reserved for those who do vigorous exercise.

Certain dynamic (active, moving) Qigong / Pranayama / TenagaDalam increase the oxygen uptake by virtue of the greater requirement for chemical energy by the cells. Other more quiescent (inactive, still) methods tend to decrease oxygen uptake due to the the lowering of metabolic activity. It has been found that some practitioners of these traditional practices have refined their ability to the point where they actually enter into altered states where the physiological need for food, air or sleep have been almost completely suspended.

The practice of Qigong / Pranayama / TenagaDalam increase oxygen availability which potentially:
1. Supports energy (ATP, AMP, ADP) generation.
2. Generates water as a by product of energy metabolism which contributes a major portion to the lymph supply.
3. Enhances immune function.
4. Supports the body's ability to neutralize free radicals.

The Chinese "formula" for the transformation of Qi seems overly simplified. Gu Qi (grain qi), the essence or life force of food, mixes with Kong Qi (28) or Qing Qi (natural air qi), the essence or life force of air to form Zhen Qi (true qi) or the life force of the body.

Energy of Food + Energi of Air = Body Energy

However, it is his same basic formula, disguised in the vocalbulary of Western science, that is used in modern physiology

6O2 + C6H12O6 + (BMR) = Ergs + 6CO2 + 6H2O
Air + Food + (BMR) = Energy + Carbon Dioxide + Water

Oxygen (O2) plus glucose (C6H12O6) through BMR yields energy in the form of high energy phosphate bonds (especially ATP) plus water (H2O) which dissolves carbon dioxide (CO2) and facilitates the hydrolysis of energy yielding phosphate bonds. It seems that the chinese knew, without a particularly refined scientific method, that only a portion of the air and food, the essence, was employed in the process: only 20% of air is oxygen and glucose is approximately 60% of food.

Source :


"Tenaga Dalam" in Silat

Tenaga Dalam is Breathing Techniques that can reduce damage and pain, make you 2 times stronger, make you healthier, aslo can strengthen your senses.

youtube video of tenaga dalam :

Tenaga Dalam for breaking :

"Getaran" Technique

"Getaran" is an aspect of Silat Merpati Putih (MP) training that focuses on the development of heightened senses and intuition to the point where a Silat practitioner can effectively perceive their surroundings without the use of their eyesight.

This technique allows Silat practitioners to sense the sub-atomic vibrations of their surroundings and to differentiate between these vibrations. Silat practitioners are able to differentiate between the different energies and perceive the weight, volume, velocity, color, shape and substance of ANY object.

Explanation of Getaran :

blindfolded sparring :

Getaran demonstration :

Re: Internal Power (QiGong / Pranayama / TenagaDalam)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:06 am
by mouzalina.mahfud
how to post video in here ?

Re: Internal Power (QiGong / Pranayama / TenagaDalam)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:40 pm
by ChiDragon
I guess the easiest way is to copy the web address of the video and paste it here. Just like the rest of us do.

PS We have the similar idea on the Chi as related to ATP. Finally, I have found someone with something in common. 8)

BTW Have you seen any of my posts about breathing and ATP?

Re: Internal Power (QiGong / Pranayama / TenagaDalam)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:12 am
by mouzalina.mahfud
The power of Silat Merpati Putih

Break the iron with a thin cloth

Break the iron with a paper money