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Yang Style Taijiquan Martial Applications Video?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 1:36 pm
by rogira
I am searching for a good video on Yang Style Taijiquan Martial Applications. Does anybody know where Can I find It?
Does anybody seen the videos of Erle Montaigue or Mark Cheng? What's your opinion?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 2:52 pm
by rogira
What about the videos of Daniel Lee or Vincent Chu?
Exist any DVD about traditional Yang Style Taijiquan martial applications?
Thanks for any good advice or recomendation!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:05 pm
by rogira
I consider to buy the Erle Montaigue Old Yang Taijiquan Beginner's Self Teaching Videos:
- Yang Cheng Fu Form - 1x DVD
- Yang Lu Chan Old Yang Style Form - 1x DVD
- Basic Push Hands - 1x DVD
- Basic Small and Large San-Sau - 1x DVD
- How to Use Taiji & Bagua for Fighting - 2x DVD
- Yang Cheng Fu Form Medium Level - 1x DVD
- Yang Lu Chan Form Medium Level - 1x DVD
- Taiji Secrets & Taiji Dim-Mak Applications - 2x DVD
and later (when the series will be aviable on DVD) the Merk Cheng Combat Tai Chi Video Series.
What is your opinion?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:54 pm
by rogira
Erle Montaigue authenticity?
Erle Montaigue is a very controversial person. His teaching is diferent from others "traditional" masters and he affirm that he teach the "Old Yang Style". Many think that hi is a quack and his style a fake, many honour him as a genuine master and a keeper of the Yang Lu Chan Style. He has a lot of student around the world and he has the best marketing in the Taijiquan world (the biggest amount of books [the majority are free], videos [more then 240] and articles aviable). Seems that he tech openly and don't have secrets!
I am a Taijiquan learner and not a master so that I can't estimate the authenticity of his style. Probable is that he blend the teaching of his knowledge of Wrestling, Bagua and Wing Chun with the teaching of Yang Shao Chung and Chang Yiu Chun and create his verson of Taijiquan. Of course, his style include elements of the "Yang Shao Hou" style but is possible that his is the only genuine Taijiquan available?
The Erle Montaigue Yang Lu Chan (Old Yang Style) Form is almost the same as the Chen Pan Ling Original (synthetic) Yang Style form [the form of Taijiquan that is mainly based on the Yang style and Wu styles he learnt from Xu Yu Sheng, Yang Shao Hou and Wu Jian Quan]. Chen Pan Ling was a class-mate of Chang Yiu Chun and Hsiung Yang Ho - they was three main students of Yang Shou Hou.
Is posible that Erle Montaigue is part of a handful of people (if not the only one) that know the Old Yang Style?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:41 pm
by george
i've got one, but it's pretty large. you won't be able to download it unless you're on broadband or if you're willing to spend a night downloading. also, it's in chinese. if you want it, send a e-mail to "" and if you have "kazaa" i'll give it to you that way, or if you don't, download it. i've got this video directly from my master, it's done by yang zheng guo and yang jun themselves. it's a video of the full yang family taijichuan techniques show. i've got the full version, but that's about 4Gigs.