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The TCFE European Championship 2008

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:43 pm
by Ripat
The TCFE European Championship 2008

Hereby we would like to invite You to the 4th TCFE European Championship. The competition will take place in November 7th- 9th 2008 in Linköping, Sweden.

It will be possible to compete in forms and push hands, and in parallel to the competition there will be a number of events and interesting workshops to attend.

All contestants must be members of one of TCFE’s national member organizations. For more information, rules and registration documents, please visit the official website:

We would appreciate it if you help us spread the word about the championship. If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us!

With Best Regards & Hope to see You in November!

The European Championship Team 2008