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49-movement demonstration form

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2001 3:29 pm
by Mason Smith
I'm interested in the 49-movement demonstration and competition form, but I'm not able to find videos, etc., to support "distrance learning," in my case, from Richmond, Kentucky. I thought a dicussion area might be helpful. For example, I'm not sure about the transition between movements 11 and 12, "Hand Strums the Lute," and "High Pat on Horse." And, while we're at it, I'm not sure about the transition between 25 and 26, "Fist Under Elbow," and "Rooster Stands on One Leg." Of corse, much of the 49 movement form seems to follow the 103-movement form, and the transition are no problem. If anyone out there has any suggestion, I'd be happy to hear them.
Best wishes,
Mason Smith

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2001 5:48 pm
by JerryKarin
We are going to make available some materials shortly which can help with this. I don't know yet if it will be published on the web or the next newsletter. More later.