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Looking for place to study fulltime....

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:42 am
by SnakeEyesX
I am studying at the White Dragon Schools in San Diego CA at the moment, but im looking for somewhere where i can go for 3-6 months to study at, like 6 days a week, all day more or less, like temples used to be. I have to problem going international, and nothing biding me to stay wherre i am at the moment, just wondering if anyone knew anyone or where I could go.

Much Apperaited,


Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:09 pm
by DavidJ

Tung Kai Ying

5820 W Manchester Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90045

(310) 379-5396

Schedule and Tuition

Classes are Monday-Thursday 7:30-9:00 pm

Monthly tuition for regular classes is:

1 class a week = $50

2 classes a week = $75

3-4 classes a week = $100

I hope this helps.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 4:25 am
by SnakeEyesX
7:30am or pm to 9:30pm?

Im looking more towards moving to China for 6 months and finding somewhere to seriously study, like where I train most of the day, but thank you for location, much apperiated


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 1:16 pm
by Wushuer
On the front page of the Yang family tai chi website is a listing for the China office of the Association.
Their contact information is:
No. 10 Wu Cheng West Street
Taiyuan, Shanxi, P.R.C. 030006

I feel confident that they could provide you with information on Yang style teachers in China.
Good luck.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:46 am
by Audi
Hi Snakeyes,

If you are truly interested in immersing yourself in study in China, you may want first to secure an introduction from someone who knows you in California. I think that access to good teaching in China is not granted as easily as in the U.S. With an introduction from someone who can attest to your merit, “martial morality,” etc., you may have more doors open to you more quickly. You may also find that you get more specific guidance as to which precise doors you should try knocking on.

Many teachers in China seem to tour in the U.S. or be connected with teachers that do. Most seem also to be connected with schools that are already established in the U.S. If you invest some time on this side of the ocean, you may get more out of the other side.

Take care,

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:21 am
by SnakeEyesX
I talked to an instructor at my school, he has Studied in China b4. But now, meaning the next to years is the only time probably in my life where I can make a desicion like this and leave my normal life for an extended amount of time.

Thanks for the all info everyone, keep it going and ill keep you all updated Image