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lineage from san-feng to cheng-fu

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2001 5:38 am
by PlasticSquirrel
i believe that i have found the gap between chang san-feng and chen chang-hsing. in douglas wile's book yang family secret transmissions, which is quoted from yang cheng-fu's book tai chi chuan ti yung chuan shu:

"my grandfather handed down these words: 'tai chi chuan began with chang san-feng at the end of the sung dynasty. He transmitted it to wang tsung-yueh, chen chou-tung, chang sung-hsi and chiang fa, who succeeded each other without interruption. my teacher, chen chang-hsing was the only disciple of chiang fa....'"

well i guess that about settles it. i have some more details about the chen family cannon fist form, and wang tsung-yueh's treatise handed down to yang lu-chan, and how chen chang-hsing met chiang fa, but those aren't as important.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2001 5:40 am
by PlasticSquirrel
okay, i couldn't resist myself, and i was bored...

one autumn, after harvesting, when chen chang-xing (1771-1853) was teaching his sons, relatives, and students the chen family pao chui, a stranger who had been watching their practice laughed out loud. realising his discourtesy, the stranger turned, throwing chen to the ground. chen got up and begged to be accepted as a student. the stranger was named chiang fa and he promised chen chang-xing that he would return after three years to teach him taiji quan.

three years later chiang returned and chen chang-xing was taught all the secrets of taiji quan after going through a formal ceremony to become his disciple. however, as the chen clan considered this a disgrace for the chen family, they forbade him henceforth to teach chen family pao chui, though he was permitted to teach taiji quan.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2001 9:49 am
by JerryKarin
Please view the discussion of these issues which took place some time ago on the following thread: ... 00004.html

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 5:08 am
by PlasticSquirrel
ming has it right, not to mention a couple things i didn't know before. Image