standing and sitting

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standing and sitting

Post by paddy »

My first teacher held that trying to do the form with a body plagued by muscular tension and energy blockages was futile. His program consisted of qigong, standing and sitting meditation with the goal being to prepare the body to do the form. While working with him I felt tremendous changes take place in my body within a relatively short period of time. I was particularly impressed with how the muscles of my pelvic girdle opened and relaxed while sitting in the half-lotus position. Anyway, I moved from that town and am now working with a yang chen fu instructor. I've tried to combine some of the practice I previously learned with what I'm learning now (which consists solely of practicing the form). The problem is that after working out, i often feel sick as if I had the flu. I believe that for beginners like me, it is important to consistently follow a designed program, but I would quit practicing altogether if I were limited to doing the form. Does anyone have any advice?
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Post by Michael »


Sitting and standing practice should only enhance your YCF practice. You say you feel "sick" after "working out". What is this "workout"? Doing the set? Combined with what? What is your routine? What kind of qigong? Can't really comment without knowing.
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