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Actual character in taijiquan circles!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 9:11 pm
by dorshugla
How does one assess this?

One of my "old" teachers (circa 1976) mentioned cetain passages about assessing the character of practitioners specifically and people generally encompassing the following:

Talk to people as see how they act,
Debate to check their attitude.
Give them work and see how they respond,
tell them of difficulty and see their behaviour or action/inaction,

That was my paraphrasing of what I believe I recalled on assessing degree of skill in taijiquan practice. It has rarely relied on taijiquan techniques per se but on simple human essentials of working together.

AM I way off here? again!
just arsking!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 1:39 pm
by Audi
Greetings Dorshugla:

Very nice statement. My understanding is that you may see something specifically addressing this issue in one of the coming issues of the Association newsletter. This assumes, of course, that you are a member of the Association.

Take care,

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 7:38 pm
by dorshugla

Thank you sir. I will check it out.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 5:17 pm
by Wushuer
I've met some real characters in TCC. But I digress.