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Tai Chi Poem

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:49 pm
by psalchemist
Hello everyone,

I thought I would post one of my poems in hopes of some constructive feedback.

I am considering compiling a book of poems delving into Tai Chi theories and would be interested in any comments anyone might like to make...It would be very helpful. Image

Thank you,
Pamela R. Santini

Staking and Song

"Staking" a claim on natures firm ground,
"Sinking" and "Rooting", "Song" and profound.

Silence encompasses, thoughts hurry yonder,
The brow is reborn, abundance to ponder.

Inhaling deeply, let it all go,
Gathering inward, sensing the "Flow".

"Seating" the waist and bend in the knees,
Release and relax with delicate ease.

Feet "Clawing" the earth, legs "Yang" and "Yin",
Smooth alternation balanced therein.

"Raise" up the back, "Straightness" display,
"Sunken" the chest, "Curved" hollow inlay.

"Empty" the neck, "Tuck~in" the chin,
Rich permeation, storing the "Jin".

"Crown" of the head suspend from above,
"Qi" flowing upward spins "Reeling" glove.

Tongue presses palette, makes the connection,
"Micro~Cosmic Orbit", cycles utter perfection.

Eyes clearly focused, alert and intense,
Thoughts of a feline, his prey his defense.

Shoulders "Relaxed", loosened and down,
Arm sinews opened, so elbows can round.

Circular, spherical, arms pose embrace,
Wrists ever~changing, angling grace.

Allowing the hands, slightly concave,
Returning expressions of energies gave.

"Quiessence" existing, stillness in motion,
Breath changing pattern, "Empty", "Full" notion.

Intention of spirit residing within,
True cultivation, refinement of "Shen".

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:43 am
by Anderzander
This is a poem written by an Eskimo Shaman - I can relate it to my taiji practice

The Great Sea has set me
in motion
Set me adrift
And I move as a weed in
the river.
The arch of sky
And mightiness of storms
Encompasses me,
And I am left
Trembling with joy

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:50 am
by psalchemist
Greetings Anderzander

That is a very lovely poem.

I enjoyed the feeling and the movement.
Thanks for sharing it.

Best wishes,

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:00 am
by psalchemist
Hi Anderzander,

Do you find this poem more appealing than the first?


Standing like the noble mountain,
Rooted, sunken, song.

Sifting like the gracefull wind,
Elusive, shifting, nimble.

Flicker like the lively flame,
Vivid, reeling, snap.

Wax and waning like the moon,
Now filling, full, now empty.

Power like the awesome ocean,
Threaded toe, expressing wave.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:08 pm
by lalsup
Your poems are quite moving. May I present them to my students?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:25 pm
by psalchemist
Hello lalsup,

I am very honored, lalsup , that you deem my poems worthy of presentation to your students.

Of course, most certainly, you may...

Thank you.

Best regards,
Pamela Santini