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ear ring because of Taichi?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:40 pm
by alan

I attended a Taichi class two years ago and started practicing Taichi. I am practicing Yang short form. One problem I have now is that I hear ringing on my right ear. It sounds similar to blood rushing through the ear. At the beginning it was faint, but the more attention I paid the stronger it became. Now it is almost constant, especially when I am lying down.

I was wondering if this problem is cause by something that I am doing wrong in my practice? Is there something I can do or change?

Thank you!


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:04 pm
by JerryKarin
Talk to your physician about it.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:56 pm
by alan
I did see two different doctors. They both said it is allergy and prescribed allergy medicines. I took the medicine and it seemed to work. However, the problem always recurred. It is year-round, not seem to be related to a certain allergy source. I was wondering if this kind of problem is known among the Taichi practitioners, especially the ones that are not well supervised, like me? Thank you!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:24 pm
by JerryKarin
I have never heard of taiji causing ringing in the ear. One thing you might consider is: are you holding your breath? Breathe freely and naturally and don't hold your breath while practicing. I suppose if all else fails you could try stopping practice for a week or two and see if that has any effect. I think if I were in your shoes I would try to see some medical specialists.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:50 pm
by shugdenla
Taijiquan practice may have created an awareness in that the problem existed but you have become more attuned to your surroundings!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:52 pm
by WU
Please DO NOT believe any style of Tai Chi which would make you sick & unhealthy. An internal Tai Chi would give you a better health and strengthen your body from inside out.

Usually, a real Tai Chi would cure all your medical problems within 10 to 12 months. If you feel your pains getting worse or your internal/external injuries won't get healed, you'd better to stop your training for good.

Good luck to you!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:18 pm
by Simon Batten
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by alan:

I attended a Taichi class two years ago and started practicing Taichi. I am practicing Yang short form. One problem I have now is that I hear ringing on my right ear. It sounds similar to blood rushing through the ear. At the beginning it was faint, but the more attention I paid the stronger it became. Now it is almost constant, especially when I am lying down.

I was wondering if this problem is cause by something that I am doing wrong in my practice? Is there something I can do or change?

Thank you!

Alan </B></font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Alan: I once had a problem like this in my left ear. It was like a rushing sound behind my ear, sort of inside the head, and I could hear the blood pumping round. However in my case, it was because of a kick to the head. I was attacked by a man in the street. I blocked his initial punch and kicked him, but as I was drunk at the time, I fell over in the road and he kicked me in the head. Then he was joined by two other men, but I managed to get to my feet and block the rest of their punches, including while one of them was trying to burn my arm with a lighted cigarette. I guess they realised they weren't getting through, because in the end they gave up and went away. Anyway, I went to my doctor because of the noise in my ear and he said it was caused by the kick to my head, just behind the ear, and the bruising was compressing an artery and this was causing he noise. Whatever is causing your problem, I would say that the secondary cause is therefore probably some sort of constriction of compression of an artery adjacent to your ear. I agree that I can't see how it could possibly be Tai Chi. Kind regards, Simon.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:28 pm
by César
Hi Alan

As a physician myself, I strongly recommend you to talk about this with your doctor.
The way you describe this symptom, it seems like if it is "Tinnitus" (the medical term for Ringing In The Ears).
Since it is a symptom, this may be a manifestation of another illnesses like high blood pressure, metabolic diseases, neurological diseases, inner ear diseases, etc.
Go and see a Doctor as soon as possible. This has nothing to do with your Taiji practice.

Take Care

César Escalante, MD
PS: Sorry For my english

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:29 pm
by Bob Ashmore
Alan, please consult a physician. As many of the other participants have indicated, this may be a serious problem.
That said....

I recently got a yin/yang symbol ear ring, not a ringing in the ears but an actual ear ring to go into my ear.
I got the yin/yang symbol because of Tai Chi....
So imagine my response on reading the title of this post....
I just had to pop in and see what it was about.



Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:14 pm
by alan
Thank you for your replies and concerns. I really appreciate that. I went to see two doctors, and they both said it is allergy. I feel fine bodily other than the annoying ear ringing. Anyway, you guys gave me confidence that it is not Taichi. I will continue with the practice. The odd thing with the ear ringing is that if I forget about it, it does not bother me for days. Then the moment I remember it, it comes back.