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yang 24 form

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:33 pm
by beegs
i want to understand who and why the 24 form was made. i understand that some experts came together to make a form for competition, because all family practice different, they needed to make a standard form to judge in competition.
im in an acupuncture school where they teach this form. is it a good form for non martial artist, who take it as a required course of study in school? other people at the school feel that chen man chings form is better to teach at the school.
i was told that yang chenfu had his classes shut down by the chinese govt, etc, and that using yang name in the 24 form is an insult to yang family.
how does the yang family feel about these forms for competition? is the family ok with the forms being called yang forms? and are the yang priciples embodied in those forms?
do you feel that these standardized forms have any value? again, the people i am referring to learning tyhese forms are beginners, and most have no desire to study taiji for martial application.
i hope you can give me insight into these forms.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:01 pm
by gene
Hello Beegs:

I'm not a Yang family member, but would like to try and answer at least part of your question. If I remember correctly, the 24-movement simplified form was created under the authority of the Chinese government in the 1950s, so that the populace would have a standard, more easily accessible practice method for health.

I started my taiji "journey" 12 years ago with the simplified form, and feel that it has a great deal of value. With regular practice, the form will develop strength and flexibility. It teaches proper taiji principles, and can serve as a great introduction to this wonderful art. It can also stand on its own, for people who want some of the basic benefits of taiji (like improved balance,leg strength and a calmer attitude) but do not want to devote the length of time necessary to learn traditional forms.

There are many good resources available on the 24 form. I like Shou-Yu Liang's book and video (which shows basic applications), and also Bow-Sim Mark's book and video. (I learned the form from one of her students and have had the privilege of taking classes with her from time to time in Boston.)

If you want to go deep into taiji theory and principles, I think you will eventually find the 24 form limiting, although there really is nothing "simple" about it.

As for comparing it with the Cheng Man-Ching form, such comparisons are generally not productive (and sometimes lead to silly and vehement arguments). The real question is: What are your goals, and how does this particular course of study advance them? Talk it over with the teacher you are considering, and some of the students, and if you aren't satisfied with the answers, visit other classes until you find a teacher and course with which you are comfortable.

Good luck. Whatever form you decide to study, if you are diligent, the rewards will be great.
