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Turn Around and Sweep the Lotus with Kick

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2001 10:08 pm
by Orlhid8101950
In the Fu Zhongwen book "Mastering Yang
Style Taijiquan" translated by Louis Swaim
ther is an illustration in Turn Body Sweep
Lotus that shows Master Yang Cheng Fu
sweeping his right leg. We sweep our left.
Keeping in mind that the illustrations in
this book are traced from photographs of
Master Yang Cheng fu doing the form,can
someone explain? Confused.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2001 12:35 am
by LarryC
Hi Orlando,

I dug out my copy of the book, and by my reading (and viewing) the illustration shows the left leg sweeping around close to the ground as the body turns, whereupon the left foot is planted. Then the right leg is raised and performs the actual lotus kick.

I believe this is the way that the masters Yang teach it. I know that they taught the kick in this manner at the recent Portland seminar.


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2001 10:52 pm
by Orlhid8101950
Hi Larry: Thank you for responding to my inquiry about "Turn Around and Sweep the
Lotus with Kick". Recently I got together
with a couple of other students and
practiced in Central Park in Manhattan,
New york and we went over this movement
so I was missing a movement which now
makes it all come together very nicely.
Yes you are right we kick with our right
foot after planting our left foot.
