Reverse Breathing

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Reverse Breathing

Post by lalsup »

I would like to begin a discussion on pre-natal breathing, and how it affects Chi development/ movement.

I would like to start of by stating that I attempt to utilize this breathing (breathing in while contracting the stomach, and "pulling up" the spencher muscles), leading the chi with mind intent down to the perinum(?), up through the ming-min, and touching each vertabrea up to the crown of the head. The tongue is gently connected to the beginning of the soft pallet. When breathing out, I release (expand) the stomach, while leading the chi down through the tongue, and down the front of the body to the dan-dien.

Any thoughts comments?
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Post by Audi »

Greetings Lalsup,

I do have a few thoughts and comments on your post, but they do not stem from teaching I have received from the Yangs. I do not recall them discussing or writing about prenatal breathing or the microcosmic orbit.

I think the members only forums are intended to focus on the Yangs' teaching and theories. If I am correct about this, you might want to consider reposting this query on the equivalent forum in the general section.

Take care,
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