Distance Ranking

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Distance Ranking

Post by sysop »

I just mailed in my new membership form last week. I'm looking forward to being a member and being involved with the International Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association. I've studied Yang style Tai Chi simplified and long forms for almost a year now.

I have an initial question though related to the ranking system.

I understand and respect the ranking requirements listed on this website, but I was wondering how someone who does not live near or attend a center begin the process of entering the ranking system and then testing for the various ranks?

Are there any type of distance testing options (i.e. video tape of oneself)? I could understand the higher level ranks needing direct in-person testing (especially for certified instructors), but wouldn't the lower entry and beginner ranks benefit from the ability to test members who may not be able to travel distances or who may be financially disadvantaged to travel?

Entering the ranking system is just one of many reasons for joining. If I am unable to test via a distance method, then I will still try hard to hopefully test at a center some day in the future. :-) Thanks in advance for any responses!
Mike Lucero
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Post by Mike Lucero »

I believe there is no distance-learning option.

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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:01 am

Post by sysop »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by mikelu:
<B>I believe there is no distance-learning option.


Actually, it's distance testing I'm most interested in. Distance learning I am doing by using the Yang Family DVD's and by training occasionally at a fairly local dojo that teaches Yang style Tai Chi Chuan on the weekends (although not strictly Yang Family). I do hope to attend seminars in the future when I can afford them.

Perhaps you meant distance testing instead? Which leads me to my other question then...If there is no distance testing available, how do I, as not being a center member anywhere, begin the process of getting into the ranking system? (i.e Do I call the closest center and tell them I am a member who wishes to enter the ranking system or something?) Thanks for any replies!
Bob Ashmore
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Post by Bob Ashmore »

Seminars held by Association Centers usually contain a ranking test at the location of the seminar.
Not always though, so be sure to inquire of the Center Director of the seminar before you make any plans. The Center Director holding the seminar can also answer any questions you may have regarding the ranking test process.
You can find their contact information on the Yang family tai chi website, under the "seminars" section. Each Center Director has their name and contact information listed on the ad for their seminar.

I think it's great that you want to join the ranking process, especially considering the problem you have of being distant from a Center.
I barely have the cahones to try to rank and I have the benefit of training at a Yang Cheng Fu Center!
Good luck and let us know how it goes for you.
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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:01 am

Post by sysop »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Bob Ashmore:
Seminars held by Association Centers usually contain a ranking test at the location of the seminar.
Not always though, so be sure to inquire of the Center Director of the seminar before you make any plans. The Center Director holding the seminar can also answer any questions you may have regarding the ranking test process.
You can find their contact information on the Yang family tai chi website, under the "seminars" section. Each Center Director has their name and contact information listed on the ad for their seminar.

I think it's great that you want to join the ranking process, especially considering the problem you have of being distant from a Center.
I barely have the cahones to try to rank and I have the benefit of training at a Yang Cheng Fu Center!
Good luck and let us know how it goes for you.


Thank you so very much for your informative reply! Looks like the closest center is in Louisville, Kentucky, so I will begin by contacting them.

Believe me, I myself may not be ready for ranking, but I figure I need to get in there and give it a try. If I fail, at least I will have the feedback I need to improve the next time I try. Plus, since the requirements contain stipulations for years of practice between ranks, I need to get started now before I get too old. Image Thanks again!

[This message has been edited by sysop (edited 12-17-2007).]
Bob Ashmore
Posts: 754
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Location: Frankfort, KY, USA

Post by Bob Ashmore »

You're in LUCK!
If Louisville is the closest Center, then I can most assuredly and definitely help you there.
I am a member of the Louisville Center!
Our next seminar starts June 15, 2008.
I am planning on taking my next ranking test at the seminar as well.
If you need any information on the Louisville area, where to stay, how to get to the seminar location, that kind of thing, feel free to drop me an e-mail, my address is in my profile, and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

If you contact Carl Meeks or Bill Wojasinski, our Center Directors (we're lucky enough to have two) they can help you with the ranking details.
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