What is and what is not push hands?

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What is and what is not push hands?

Post by Mike »

I hear a lot of comments about "if you're any good, your push hands should be able to handle anything". Basically, the inference is that Taiji push hands can be anything. There seems to be a disconnect about what is push hands, what is other things, what is fighting, etc.

What do people think are the defining characteristics of "push hands" as opposed to "something else"?


Mike Sigman
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Post by Ming »

Maybe a good idea to discuss. Maybe not. Everyone has different idea especially amateurs. Pushing is only a way of training. If you train correct you get taiji results and skills. If you train incorrect you win or lose in pushing it does not matter because you never do taiji. Taiji is hard to do right. Too many people in states think 'I win I do taiji'. maybe skill in wrestling but no skill in taiji. Main goal is taiji skill and you need good teacher to show you the way.
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Post by Steve »

I agree completely. Push Hands is method of training. The way I see it, the particular exercises are set -- although the methods from teacher to teacher can be very different, the one thing they have in common is that they are choreographed exercises.

The USAWKF has fixed-step and moving Push Hands competitions. The rules are very explicit as to what constitutes good technique, and there are point deductions if the match comes to wrestling with physical force rather than good technique.

The Chinese Wushu Federation is looking at creating a distinction between Push Hands, as an active forum with strikes, joint-locks and take-downs, and Taiji Push Hands, which would be the type of set described above.

My problem is that the CWF's version of "Push Hands" sounds more like the San Shou routine; but even those routines avoid scoring points, and have set A and B forms that work together to create a partner-set. I generally disagree with the concept of Push Hands competition. It is a training exercise. Body-builders don't engage in bench-press competitions (except maybe in the gym). Push Hands is not combat.