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Fred Hao
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Post by Fred Hao »


Again, as for Liejin, If we've exprieced to hit the opponent by using the White Crane Spreading Wing, we know the Jin before knowing it, we are still trying the Jin by pushing each other--so called "Listen".

Once the attacking from the opponent,all we do is a turn ( the opponent lies in a imbalanced state.) and the right hand up accompiney by the spirit up through the spine (touching the opponent,who is rejecting out like an arrow because of our whole-one Qi).

If we've got this expriece, we know the Liejin,

It takes a hard work both in body and mind,and then we can go from "Listen" to "know-how to do it ".
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Post by Audi »

Hi Fred,

Could you give some additional details about your proposed application? I do not quite understand your point. The basic idea I have for White Crane Spreads Wings is to separate an opponent's incoming push.

Are you perhaps talking about stepping behind the opponent and then separating your arms horizontally to throw him over your right leg?

[This message has been edited by Audi (edited 01-16-2006).]
Fred Hao
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:01 am
Location: Pingtung, Taiwan, ROC

Post by Fred Hao »

Nice to have your response.
What your action --White Crane Spreads Wings is to separate an opponent's incoming push--is correct. Because the separation jin works. the oppenent is in the imbalanced state. At this timing, actually,the oppenent becomes a puppet. Your Yi(stored in the spine) push, then the puppet being pushed, Your center goes downward with your hand adhering the opponent, then it becomes Tsai(third tone), the puppet will fall downward. The rest of ten with the steady center are used the same way.The opponent is thrown out in different dirent directons. What we do is all by Yi. If we use strength, the puppet becomes a strong bull again. It is because our strength helps him steady and strong.

What I mean is that any gesture in Taichi is to let the attacker become a puppet controlled in our hand. If he is not becoming a puppet, what we do to him is not effective.
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